Holy Transfiguration, Great Walsingham: Orthodoxy in Norfolk

Holy Transfiguration, Great Walsingham: Orthodoxy in Norfolk


Contact us and links

Contact us by Email

If you have any questions about Orthodoxy, our church, services or requests for prayers, please either contact the clergy directly or via email. You may expect a reply, if a reply is required, within a few days if not before. 

If you simply wish to know the dates and times of services, this will take you that information.

Our post code is NR22 6AB

For those wishing to discover more about the particular branch of Orthodoxy we follow, please visit https://www.thyateira.org.uk/ where you can learn about courses, conferences, read bulletins from the Archbishop and the Bishop. Each year there is a Children's  Summer Camp and details can be found there. Information about our monasteries, parishes and clergy are also available.

The link to the website of the Archbishop is here.   The office address is;  The Archdeacon Chapel of the Annunciation of the mother of God,  5 Craven Hill,  London,  W2. 3EN

Disclaimer:  This website is still 'work in progress'.  The author of much of the text here has written it in good faith, but I am not a theologian neither an historian.  Sources used for content have been drawn from what I perceive to be authoritative, but the editor of this content has yet to give final approval. Visitors to this site who disagree with every Yod and Iota need take issue with me, not the Parish nor the Exarchate.  In time this site will be fully edited and any errors or mistakes will be corrected.

In making this site I freely acknowledge the help from a variety of sources. Our Priest Fr Christopher principally, Orthodox Catholic and Jewish encyclopaedic sources have been used, and for help in correcting the historic Jewish facts I am grateful to Dr J. Fine whose insight has been invaluable. Other sources, too many to be named, have also been used as reference to which I extend my gratitude.